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Milestone Training, Resource And Consultancy Centre

Milestone Training, Resource and Consultancy Centre

We can offer you exceptional facilities and friendly service all for less than youd expect. You can hire the facilities for a half day or full day and will only ever have to pay for what you need to use. With hotel packages, you pay an inflated price for the use of facilities you probably dont even need. With us, if you just need to hire the space, then thats no problem. Of course if you do need video conferencing, laptops, data projector and luxury catering, then we will happily accommodate your needs. In this time of crunched budgets and cutbacks we believe we can offer you a premier service for a realistic price that enables you to work within your budget. We offer our rooms for hire to businesses, schools and the community. Businesses are offered rates that are up to 90% off* the cost of hiring facilities from other companies. Schools and community users are offered even more preferential rates. You are welcome to hire our facilities for any purpose whether that be meetings, conferences, training, interviews or anything else. The rooms can be set up flexibly to allow you to use the space in a way that suits you and the number of people you need to accommodate. In addition to offering our facilities for hire, we also offer a huge variety of courses. Since we are part of Milestone Special School, our specialisms for training include Autism, behaviour, Speech and Language Therapy, curriculum, Sign Language and health. For more information on the courses we offer see the courses section on this site. If youd like to run a course of your own at the TRAC Centre you can of course hire our facilities. If you are interested in running a course and would like us to handle everything for you, then please get in touch.

Areas Covered: Kent

Telephone number: 1474709420


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